Friday, September 21, 2007

Article Submission

Your article cannot simply be an advertisement or pitch for whatever you are selling. In fact, even your resource box should not be pitching the sale. An article is a gateway that allows you the opportunity to begin a dialog with a potential prospect.
Publishing lots of articles that link back to your target site or blog will help you in the search engines. However, to really get the most out of article marketing, you need to convert article readers into direct traffic.

To do that, you need a compelling headline, and a blockbuster opening paragraph. From there, your article should lead the reader step-by-step, sentence-by-sentence, to your resource box, where the call to action is such that the reader clicks through onto your turf. Learning basic and advanced copy writing techniques will improve your overall marketing effectiveness by leaps and bounds.


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and hire a Link Builder to do Article Submission for you.


Dark Side of Moi said...

True. Establishing a relationship with readers while making your expertise known is the ultimate goal in crafting articles.

Pitching a sale turns probable prospects off, leaving you with less visitors, no sales and more voted... to get banned that is.

:) Nice post.


Junelle said...

Thanks for the compliment.